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CTH 450.1.1.3

Citatio: M. Kapełuś (ed.), CTH 450.1.1.3 (INTR 2011-08-17)

Funerary Ritual. Day 10-11

(CTH 450.1.1.3)




KBo 40.178 +



KUB 39.14 (+)

642/c + 2728/c + 2795/c


KUB 39.33 +



KBo 39.34 (+)



KBo 40.311



Christmann-Frank 1971

L. Christmann-Frank, Le rituel des funérailles royales hittites, RHA 29, 61-111.

Kapełuś 2008 M. Kapełuś, Some Remarks on Hittite Royal Funerary Ritual sallis wastais (Texts from Building A on Büyükkale), SMEA 50, 449-456.

Kassian – Korolëv – Sideltsev 2002 A. Kassian-A. Korolëv-A. Sideltsev, Hittite Funerary Ritual šališ waštaiš. AOAT 288, Münster.

Otten 1958 H. Otten, Hethitische Totenrituale, Berlin.

Otten 1959

H. Otten, Eine Lieferungsliste zum Totenritual der hethitischen Könige, WdO 2, 477-479.

Taracha 1998 Taracha, P., Funus in effigie: Bemerkungen zu den hethitischen Totenritualen, in: Fs Nowicka, 189-196.

van den Hout 1995a Th. P. J. van den Hout, An Image of the Dead? Some Remarks on the Second Day of the Hittite Royal Funerary Ritual, in O. Carruba-C. Mora-M. Giorgieri (a cura di), Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia, Pavia 28 giugno – 2 luglio 1993, Pavia, 195-211.


§ 1'


§ 2'

Furrowing with the plough, incantation and lamentation.

§ 3'

Burning of the unharnessed plough. The ashes are brought by the Old Woman to the place where the heads of horses and oxen were burned. Slaughtering of the oxen.

§ 4'

Activities concerning the bronze spear. The deceased is given to drink. Liquid offering to the Sun-goddess.

§ 5'

Breads and liquid offerings. The balance is brought before the Sun-goddess.

§ 6''

Smashing of the empty vessels on the threshing floor.

§ 7''

Burning of the drum and the wooden object. The ashes are taken to the place where the heads of the horses and oxen were burned.

§ 8''-9'''

Slaughtering of oxen (which were harnessed to the thresher?). The decorations detached from them are brought to the mausoleum. The arrow and the quiver are carried away.

§ 10'''

Offering round with the liquids.

§ 11'''

Incantation. The statue is removed from the chariot and brought to the tent. The great feast take place.

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Editio ultima: 2011-08-17

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